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Smells Like Spells

Smells Like Spells Kodulõhnastaja "ODIN"

Smells Like Spells Kodulõhnastaja "ODIN"

Tavahind €69,00 EUR
Tavahind Soodushind €69,00 EUR
Soodus Välja müüdud

Tutvustame meie käsitsi valmistatud kodulõhna, mis on pühendatud Odini auks - sõja ja tarkuse norra jumalale. Kasutage selle võluva aroomi võimu koos kaasasoleva meditatsiooni/kinnituste rituaaliga ning Odini jumaliku abiga:

- Suurendage enesekindlust;
- Omandage füüsiline ja vaimne jõud;
- Võideldes takistuste ja väljakutsetega;
- Seiske vastu ja võitke igapäevaseid ebaõnne ja probleeme.

Norra mütoloogias valitseb Odin peajumalana oma troonil Asgardis, jälgides kogu maailma. Öeldakse, et Odin andis elu esimestele inimestele, Askile ja Emblale.

Meie ainulaadne kodulõhna valem järgib parfümeeria traditsioone. See algab pealtnäha lillelisest petitgraini noodist, jätkub rikka koriandri ja kadakamarjadega ning jõuab luksuslike agarwoodi, seedri, viiruki ja vetiverini, täiendatud meie salajaste koostisosadega. Aroom muutub aja jooksul, pakkudes köitvat lõhnaretke.

See võluv aroom ammutab inspiratsiooni vanadest kommetest, uskudes, et igal taimel ja aroomil on oma ainulaadne maagiline eesmärk, luues harmoonilise, kõrgekvaliteedilise lõhnapüramiidi.

- Petitgrain (kibekirss): Tuntud meeleolu tõstmise ja lõdvestumise poolest, see elavdab ja võitleb väsimuse ja stressiga.
- Koriandri seemned: Ergutav ja enesekindlust suurendav, see hajutab hirme ja sütitab loovust.
- Kadakamarjad: Traditsiooniliselt kasutatakse kurjade vaimude eemalepeletamiseks, see soodustab visadust, aitab probleemide lahendamisel ja soodustab aadlikkust.
- Agarwood: Austatud hingepuhastusomaduste poolest, peetakse seda võimsaks tasakaalustajaks ja meele selginud toimega.
- Seedripuu: Rahustab ja tugevdab, ideaalne hirmu, agressiooni ja unetuse peletamiseks, samal ajal julgustades enesekindlust ja juhtimisoskust.
- Viiruk: Kasutatakse meditatsioonis selle rahustavate omaduste tõttu, süvendades hingamist ja soodustades sisemist rahu.
- Vetiver: Lõdvestab ja innustab keskendumist, ühendades keha ja vaimu, muutes selle ideaalseks neile, kes on intellektuaalse tegevuse liigsest stressist ülekoormatud või kaotanud ühenduse kehaga.

Selle käsitsi valmistatud kodulõhnaga kaasneb põhjalik kirjeldus selle eesmärgist, igas lõhnas sisalduvate aromaatse teraapia mõjudest, lihtne maagiline meditatsiooni/kinnituste rituaal ja kasutusnõuanded enesekindluse suurendamiseks, väljakutsete ületamiseks ja elu raskustega võitlemiseks.

- Saadaval 5 ml klaaspudelites klaasist pipetiga
- Valmistatud puhtast toiduainetööstuse alkoholist
- Saadaval 100 ml ja 180 ml mahus
- Pakendatud taaskasutatavatesse või uuskasutatavatesse materjalidesse
- Käsitsi valmistatud Leedus.

ENG: We devote this handcrafted home perfume to Odin – the Norse god of war and wisdom. We believe that the magical fragrance of this home perfume and a simple meditation/affirmation ritual (its description is included with the candle) and Odin’s assistance might help to:

  • Gain confidence in your strengths;
  • Gain physical and spiritual powers;
  • Overcome difficulties, obstacles and challenges;
  • Awaken and battle everyday misfortunes and problems, and overcome them.

In Norse mythology Odin is the chief god, the god of war and wisdom. Odin dwells in the gods’ world Asgard, where from his throne Hliðskjálf he looks over the whole world. Odin is said to have given life to the first humans Ask and Embla.

The unique formula of this home perfume was created in accordance with all the major perfumery canons. At first the fragrance pyramid will reveal head notes of petitgrain, rich and intense notes of coriander seeds and juniper berries followed by luxurious notes of agarwood, cedar, frankincense and vetiver and our little formula secrets. The aroma at home will be changing over time.  By just one additional fresh perfume you will be able to relive the aroma journey from the first to the very last scent.

The magic fragrance recipe of this home perfume is based on old customs, traditions and the belief that every plant or aroma has its own magical purpose. It is like a witch recipe, where each plant and its aroma have a very important aromatherapic and magic function. The main notes supplement each other with aromatherapic properties and create a high-end fragrance pyramid where each scent has its place in harmony with other aromas.

Petitgrain (bitter orange): one of the most effective essential oils for fighting undesirable spiritual and psychological conditions. This essential oil is often attributed the qualities of mood booster, while at the same time it helps to relax. Petitgrain essential oil calms, revitalizes, helps to fight fatigue and stress. A bride’s bouquet, perfumed with this essential oil, will ensure the success of the future marriage.
Coriander seeds: the word “coriander” comes from the Greek language, meaning “anise” + “bedbug”. The aroma of fresh coriander reminds of the smell of bedbugs, hence the name. However, unlike fresh leaves, coriander seeds have a very pleasant aroma, reminding of flowers and lemon. The fragrance of coriander seeds energizes, helps to get rid of fears, encourages to act, boost self-confidence and creativity.
Juniper berries: since ancient times juniper has been used to protect from and ward off evil spirits. The energy of this scent helps to develop the personality’s consistence and perseverance, the ability to distinguish lies and fight them easily. It protects the aura form aggression, helps to quickly find a proper way from any difficult situation. It also helps to avoid self-projected destructive irritation, gain the deserved authority, and develops such qualities as nobleness, grace, etc.
Agarwood: used in incense and perfume since ancient times, mentioned in numerous ancient written sources – Sanskrit Vedas, the Old Testament, and Islamic scriptures. Aquilaria trees are also called god-trees. Agarwood was considered to be so powerful that it could cleanse the soul and banish evil spirits. Traditional Chinese medicine views agarwood as a substance for releasing spasms and also as having warming, balancing, transforming and mind-clearing properties that help to achieve goals.
Cedar: has a calming, strengthening, rejuvenating effect, gives a feeling of comfort and is therefore recommended when feeling unfounded fear, aggression, hysteria, anger, other anti-physiological behaviors as well as insomnia. Like all nuts, cedar nuts symbolize abundance and wealth. Cedar enhances leadership, confidence in oneself, one’s strengths and abilities.
Frankincense: the plant was named after the French word “franc”, meaning “luxurious”. Frankincense has long been used for producing incense. Frankincense (Boswellia) incense was one of the presents of the Three Kings to baby Jesus. In Ancient Greece frankincense resin was burned on altars and in temples, because it slows down and deepens breathing, which helps to calm down and immerse in prayer and meditation. The smell of frankincense calms and soothes, it is used during meditations even today.
Vetiver: nourishing and cooling vetiver oil relaxes the heated and overactive mind and encourages, strengthens and inspires every personality. For both those who are exhausted from excessive intellectual activity and those who have lost touch with the body, vetivers return a sense of healthy self and reduce the separation between matter and spirit. The aroma of vetiver helps to focus and concentrate extremely quickly. Vetiver oil is also considered a good remedy for unexpected outbursts of anger.
Together with this handcrafted home perfume you will get:

A detailed description of the home perfume purpose, a description of the aromatherapic effect of different scents. A simple magical meditation/affirmation ritual and tips for home perfume use so that may help you to gain confidence in your own strengths, give physical and spiritual power to overcome difficulties, awaken and battle everyday misfortunes and problems, and to overcome them.

  • 5 ml glass bottle with a glass pipette
  • Consists of pure food-grade alcohol
  • Volume 100 ml and 180 ml
  • Recyclable or reusable packaging
  • Hand-made in Lithuania
  • TASUTA TARNE al. 79€
  • TASUTA tagastus
  • Kõrge kvaliteediga
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