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Samelin Matkasaapad Roheline/ Must 550 - Lichene / Black

Samelin Matkasaapad Roheline/ Must 550 - Lichene / Black

Tavahind €133,99 EUR
Tavahind €142,99 EUR Soodushind €133,99 EUR
Soodus Välja müüdud


Kuidas valida sobiva suurusega jalanõud?

Samelini jalanõusid valides palun juhinduge eri mudelite tabelitest, juhul kui tootel pole eraldi suuruse tabelit, palume vaadata alumisi standardsuuruste tabeleid.

511 boots / aviator boots / tarkovsky boots (511 winter boots, 511 standard, tarkovsky boots (791), aviator boots (516 and 517))

EU Size Insole Length (cm)
36 23.6
37 24.2
38 24.8
39 25.5
40 26.2
41 26.8
42 27.5
43 28.1
44 28.7
45 29.4
46 30.0
47 30.7
48 31.4

Hawk pilot boots

EU Size Insole Length (cm)
35 23.5
36 24.5
37 25.2
38 25.8
39 26.5
40 27.2
41 27.8
42 28.5
43 29.1
44 29.7
45 30.4
46 31.1
47 31.8
48 32.5
49 33.2
50 33.9
51 34.9

M77 combat boots

EU Size Insole Length (cm)
35 23.5
36 24.5
37 25.2
38 25.8
39 26.5
40 27.2
41 27.8
42 28.5
43 29.1
44 29.7
45 30.4
46 31.1
47 31.8
48 32.5
49 33.2
50 33.9
51 34.9

Hawk pilot boots

EU Size Insole Length (cm)
35 23.5
36 24.5
37 25.2
38 25.8
39 26.5
40 27.2
41 27.8
42 28.5
43 29.1
44 29.7
45 30.4
46 31.1
47 31.8
48 32.5
49 33.2
50 33.9
51 34.9

Standard meeste jalanõude suurustabel

EU Size UK Size US Size Insole Length (cm)
39 5.5 6 24.6
40 6.5 7 25.4
41 7 8 26.2
42 8 9 27
43 9 10 27.9
44 9.5 10.5 28.7
45 10.5 11.5 29.5
46 11 12 30.4
47 12 13 31.2

Standard naiste jalanõude suurustabel

EU Size UK Size US Size Insole Length (cm)
36 3.5 6 23
37 4 6.5 23.7
38 5 7.5 24.4
39 6 8.5 25.1
40 6.5 9 25.7
41 7 9.5 26.3
42 8 10 27

550 Lichene matkasaapad valmistatakse Samelini matkasaapatehases Eestis. Need on mõeldud matkamiseks Põhjamaade kliimas, kuid nagu Samelin ise ütleb: 'Need sobivad tegelikult kõigile, kes naudivad aktiivset eluviisi.'

Samelin on tootnud matkasaapaid juba üle 20 aasta ja paljudele on Samelin tuntud kui kvaliteetsete matkasaabaste tootja. Matkasaapad on valmistatud veekindlast seemisnahast ning sisemine vooder on 4-kihiline sokilaadne membraansüsteem Topaz, mis tagab veekindluse ja hingavuse. Saabastel on kahekihiline Vibram talla, mis sobib liikumiseks nii pehmel kui ka kõval pinnasel. Kui te pole tuttav Vibramiga, siis matkajalatsite maailmas on see sama mis Porsche või Ferrari - olenevalt teie eelistusest. Saapapaelad on valmistatud mittemagnetilisest metallist ja neid saab kinnitada erinevatele kõrgustele. Saapade sisemus on löögikindel, antibakteriaalne, hingav ja pestav. Saapa ninas ja kontsas on kaitsev kumm. Suuruse 41 saapad kaaluvad 1,3 kg

ENG: The 550 Lichene hiking boots are manufactured at Samelin’s boot factory in Estonia. They are designed to hike in the Nordic climate, but as Samelin themselves says, “they are actually suitable for anyone who enjoys an active lifestyle.”
Samelin has been producing hiking boots for more than 20 years, and for many, Samelin is known as the manufacturer of high-quality hiking boots.
The hiking boots are made of waterproof nubuck leather and the inner lining is a 4-layer sock-style membrane system Topaz, which ensures water resistance and breathability. The boots have a two-layer Vibram sole that is suitable for moving on both soft and hard soil. If you are not familiar with Vibram it is the Porsche or Ferrari – whichever you prefer in the world of hiking footwear. The boot eyelets are made of non-magnetic metal and the laces can be attached at different heights. The inside of the boots is shockproof, antibacterial, breathable, and washable. There is a protective rubber on the nose and heel of the boot. Size 41 boots weigh 1.3 kg.

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